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Mon, 17th April | Massimo Galway

General Knowledge Table Quiz

We are raising money to help fund our upcoming show, 'The Northside Raven'. Join us for a savage night where we test you and your friends General Knowledge in Massimo Bar.

Red and Green Illustrated Trivia Night Print Flyers (Instagram Post) (2160 × 1080px) (Inst

7 PM | Massimo Galway

We are raising money to help fund our upcoming show, 'The Northside Raven'. Join us for a savage night where we test you and your friends General Knowledge in Massimo Bar.


€10 euro tickets per person and 4 people to a table/team!




The table quiz will begin at 8PM SHARP.


People will not be able to partake after this time.


1st prize and spot prizes to be won! Such as a A €40 Voucher for AWOL Piercings and Tattoos and an Xmen board game from Dungeons and Donuts.

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